7 “Over-The-Top” Pet Services You Wished You Knew About Earlier

A major bespoke makeover, a delightful spa retreat, a sensational massage therapy…… there is definitely much more to offer your beloved four-legged friends. If you are up for new ways to spoil them rotten, or you just simply don’t know where else to spend your extra chunk of cash, here are some of the weirdest but sweetest luxury services that you can get your hands on. Is it really over-the-top? Well, it’s up for you to judge. A lovely reminder: be open-minded!

1. Pet Vacay

Think about it, how bored must they be when you leave them at home all day, every day? Pack their stuff and take them on a weekend escape to the nearest pet hotel for a luxury retreat! At this beautiful luxury boutique cat hotel in England – Longcroft, you can arrange a beautifully-themed suite for your feline babies with meals served in bone china and “relaxing paw massage(s) using the finest organic paw balm” upon request.

2. Doga Yoga

If you are seeking for some meditative time with your puppies, Dogadog based in Florida provides a full selection of yoga courses that you and your dogs can sign up for! There are professional teachers that teach the pair of you how to do yoga. You’ve already started to picture the image in your heads right? It sounds too funny to be true but… the benefits are enormous, such as establishing a more intimate and special bond with your pooches.

3. Some Weird Fetish – ‘Paw’dicure

Your furry friends have as much rights as you do to pursue perfection, even down to the nails. Perhaps it is time to take them on a trip to a pet beauty salon and get them an mani-pedi session.

4. Fur Jazzeling

Fur dyeing was so last decade – fur jazzeling is the new black. Some pet parents adorn their babies with temporary crystals and glitter “tattoos”, making them look like Christmas trees… but the comfort remains an questionable issue.

5. Plastic Surgery

Are you perhaps considering to do some facelifts or nose jobs one day? What? Don’t look at me like that – I don’t mean you, I mean your pets! While the majority of humans do plastic surgery for beauty; for pets, health usually comes before looks. For example, a facelift is normally conducted for Shar-peis (not Sharpay’s) to prevent bacterial infection, and nose jobs are usually done for Bulldogs to tackle breathing issues. But… there are always exceptions. Cosmetic surgeries are sometimes done too – the world’s go-to vet Edgard Brito has performed procedures to perk up the ears of Dobermans.

6. Party Time

Having a major headache thinking about what to get your pooch for his birthday? Why not throw him a big themed-party? Hand over all the planning to Hollywood Pet Parties and just simply enjoy the fun time with your pet and his friends. From invitations to party décor, from appetizers to entrées, from gifts to game sessions, everything is taken care of by professionals with love. Of course, birthdays should not be the only reason we throw parties. They also cater for weddings when your pet finds the love of his life, or any other occasions that you or your pet find meaningful.

7. A Blind Date

You may not have had any luck in finding your soulmate through blind dates, but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to work for your four-legged friends. Sign them up on PetsDating.com but there’s no rush in finding him The One. It is a good start to just hang out with some new friends at the park. Maybe the next wedding you dress up for will be something that you’ve never experienced before, you never know!

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